Friday, October 25, 2013

Kenya camping:Things about the fish

Fish use a variety of low poached sound to convey message each other. They moan gnash their teeth. However, fish do not have vocal chords. They use other parts of their bodies to make noises, such as vibrating muscles against their bladder.

Fish can form schools containing millions of fish. They use hold their place in the school. The lateral line is a raw of pores running along the fish sides from head to tail. Special hairs in the pores sense changes in water pressure from the movement of other fish or predators. Since a fish jaw, is not attached to its skull, many fishes can shoot their mouths forward like a spring to catch stared prey.

Fish have sleep like periods where they have lowered response to stimuli, slowed physical activity and reduced metabolism but they do not share the same changes in brain waves as human being do when they sleep.

Some fish such as herbivore often lack jaw teeth but have tooth like grinding mills in their throat called pharyngeal teeth most fish have taste buds all over their body. Most fish can in color and use colors to camouflage themselves or defend themselves and their territory. Most fish have the best possible eyesight for their habitat and can most certainly see you peering in a fish pond.
A fish does not add new scales as it grows, but the scale it has increase in size. In this way, growth rings are formed and the ring reveal the age of a fish.

Fish that have thin fins with a split tail indicate that they move very quickly or many need them to cover great distances. On the other hand fish that live among rocks and reefs near the ocean floor have broad lateral fin and large tails.

A fish can draw in water like human, fish need oxygen so if there isn’t enough oxygen in the water they will suffocate. The fish in the middle of a school controls the school. The fish on the outside are guided by those in the middle. Only bony fish can swim in highly coordinated groups.
Fish would suffocate if they try to chew because chewing would interfere with water passing over their gills.  

Peter K. Philip
Natural Track Safaris

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