Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Kenya camping:Song of the frog

….How many times have you heard them and ignored them? or
how many times have you paid attention to their presence?
But for others, we have been fascinated by the beautiful voices, others
got enraged by the loud "noise" disturbing you.

Usually the loud noise is made by the male frogs calling to attract females
to the breeding sites for mating. Mostly it takes place during the rainy seasons.
The males also call to announce the territories so as to keep off other males.

Frogs going silent
Noticeably, these amphibians are going silent globally. And the sad thing is that
the decline is happening even in forests where there is no human interference!
We destroy amphibians' breeding habitats when we drain wetlands that serve
as their breeding sites, when we remove trees or natural vegetation used for
breeding and refuge by adults or when we alter the flow of streams and rivers.
Climatical change is playing its part too, in addition to the invasive species,
chemical contamination and infectious diseases to mention but a few. Viral
and fungal diseases have resulted in mass deaths in the pristine areas.

 A thing we should all note.
Frogs permeable soft skin can help us to tell the health of our environment.
The skin allows for moisture to pass through it easily.  Unfortunately, substances like
Pollutants enter their bodies and therefore frogs are amongst the first animals to
disappear in cases of environmental pollution.
While in some countries they are considered a delicacy, they are a needed meal by
many species of fish, snakes and birds so before diverting that stream, or clearing
those bushes/trees irresponsibly, think of how much damage you will cause in the
food chain.

Become a frogie friend...Start by observing and amphibians in your neighborhood,
and enjoy the beautiful sounds, and magnificent colors.
When it rains, have a frogie day, go out listen to them, compare colors and record the
differences. And if you come across pond/pool/river with dead frogs,
it’s time to call the authority and have it checked: Do not drain chemicals and sewage to
the rivers or pools.

These guys are on decline worldwide, and we are responsible. Other generations need to
hear them too, tour responsibly and respect their right to live.
Have a Frogie-happy outing.

Peter K. Philip
Natural Track Safaris

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