Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Kenya camping:About Lizards

These scaled reptiles are found all over and are further categorized into different types. The most prominent ones being the geckos and chameleons. Most venomous species are not sufficient enough to kill humans. It has the tendency to cause tremendous pain to the individual.

Their powerful bite and ability to ambush the prey makes them great hunters. Their saliva is quite toxic as well. Then they bite their prey. The bacteria in the silava enter the prey body and weaken its immune system due to which it dies.

Geckos are the only lizards armed wit the vocal cords and ability t make vocal sounds. Other lizards species resort to body gong age such as posturing and gesturing for the purpose of communication. This method of communication by signs in effective in climbing even the most flat vertical surfaces, meluding the glass wall of an house.

Those who are not climbers are gifted with the ability to sprint. The colored lizard, native to have a fascinating ability of running on their hind legs. When young and light these lizards can even run on surfaces of water.

Lizards are also considered to be the species with the longest lifespan with an individual living for thirty years. Lizards have the ability to glide from one tree to another owing to the specially designed membrane which connects their front limbs with near ones.

The lizards appear as if they are flying and hence they are referred as the flying lizards.
Most lizards species have amazing eyesight with some even having highly acute color vision and vomeronasal organ using which they taste the air like the snake. Though several species have a third eye with a retiria and lens on their heads it is used to regulate hormone production and not for sight.

The defense mechanism of the reptile is amazing as well. Some species of horned lizards have an amazing ability to squirt blood from their eye as a part of defense mechanism. They can squirt blood up to a distance of 4fts. They frilled lizards expand the scaly skin around its neck to intimidate the predators with its size.

Some specie such as the chameleon and colored lizard, have the ability to change the color of the skin. The chameleon changes its color to camouflage when hunting, while the colored lizard changes its color while basking in the sun.

Peter K. Philip
Natural Track Safaris

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