some communities in Kenya, the termites are a good source of proteins and fats.
Communities that eat them include the Turkana, Pokot, Kalenjin, Luo, and a few others.
Collecting methods
the termite hill is identified. They look for some distinct and unique
characteristics such as the tip of chimney and the window parts to see if wet
and guarded by the soldiers.
the rainy season, the flying termites just fly out, usually at night. All you
have to do is to collect them. Normally you will see many people by the
roadsides, with cups and other containers collecting them.
the dry periods, the termites are trapped at night by use of light which
facilitates all the termites to be attracted at one point since they like it.
As they come towards the source they are scooped to an empty bag or containers.
After collection they are transferred into a heated Sufuria (cooking pot) to
kill them. When this is done the following day they are spread in the sun to
dry properly and also to facilitate easy removal of the wings.
drying process is repeated till all the wings are off. At this stage the
termites are ready to be eaten but in some cases some communities tend to crush
them to make a mash like Matoke (mashed bananas). It is bit clamping due to
the termites are dry, they can be used in any way to go with any local foods,
like Ugali, Matoke, Rice or even Potatoes.
Peter K.
Adventure Kenya camping safaris,
Track Safaris
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