Tuesday, February 24, 2015

lions in Kenya

Did you know that male lions are the only members of the cat family to 
have a mane? Be sure to learn more unique characters about lions on

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

African fish eagle

 As their name implies, African Fish Eagles are indigenous to Africa, ranging over most of continental Africa south of the southern-most edge of the Sahara Desert. It is the national bird of Zimbabwe and Zambia.
The African Fish Eagle can be seen flying throughout the Kenyan parks skies and is known by many different names, in many different languages. This beautiful animal, a fairly large eagle and can be identified by its distinctive black, brown and white plumage.

Its habitat is usually limited to fresh water lakes, larger rivers, reservoirs  and dams,  with enough large trees for it to perch on. These eagles are also found near coastal lagoons and estuaries, but are absent in very arid areas. The nest consists of a large pile of sticks, 120 to 180 cm in diameter, and 30 to 60 cm thick. It is usually build in the fork of a tree, near water, but also sometimes on a cliff ledge or in a low bush on a steep slope.

The African Fish Eagle is usually seen in pairs, whether it is inside or outside of their breeding season. Breeding season for African Fish Eagles is during the dry season, when water levels are low. African Fish Eagles are believed to mate for life. The female lays 1 to 3 eggs, which are primarily white with a few reddish speckles. Incubation is mostly done by the female, but the male will incubate when the female leaves to hunt. Incubation lasts for 42 to 45 days before the chicks hatch. Fledging lasts for 70 to 75 days, and after about 8 weeks the chick is capable of feeding itself and will usually begin to venture outside of the nest 2 weeks later.

They evenly share the kills made by either between the two of them. As its name suggests, its main diet consists mostly of fish, sometimes dead, but mostly caught live. They are able to catch fish up to 1 kg in weight and in some exceptional circumstances up to 3 kg. It is also known to eat carrion and in some rare circumstances will even feed off dassies, monkeys, monitor lizards, frogs, terrapins and insects. Hunting takes place from where the eagle is perched and rarely whiles it is soaring in the sky. Stooping at fish, African Fish Eagle will catch their pray with their feet, usually within 15 cm of the water surface. They may also submerge at times. The best places to see this magnificent bird is in Amboseli national  park, Tsavo national park , Maasai Mara game reserve,lake Baringo and Nakuru National parks as well as around Lake Naivasha.

Kenya safaris desk
Natural Track Safaris

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Cheetah or Leopard

Do you know the difference between a cheetah and a leopard?
Here is a video taken on a Kenya safari, what do you see?

Thursday, February 5, 2015

camping in kenya

camping in kenya is a nice to enjoy a holiday, especially to
those who love being close to nature.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015


How many birds can you identify? though not everyone is
an expert of birds, many can agree that they are beautiful
and interesting.In masai mara kenya, visitors have enjoyed
viewing the 'big five' and several birds.By the time they leave,
some are able to identify different birds by their names.